Commitment to Sustainability
Planning for costs associated with decommissioning oil and gas wells is fundamental to sustainable development programs.
Social License to Operate: OneNexus helps companies build trust within the community and stakeholders by promoting corporate stewardship of capital and the environment.
Transitioning to a Cleaner Future: Hydrocarbon resources are an integral part of the energy economy, and OneNexus ensures that wells and facilities will be properly decommissioned in the future and not left to become a threat to the environment or a burden on taxpayers.
CSR, ESG & RSG Strategy: Asset retirement planning is essential to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental Social and Governance (ESG), and Responsibly Sourced Gas (RSG) strategy.
UN 2030 SDGs: OneNexus aligns with the United Nation’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 12, and 13.

ESG Commitment with OneNexus
- Prevent the burden and cost of decommissioning from being passed to taxpayers as orphaned well.
Safeguard against equipment and facilities being abandoned and later posing a threat to the heath and safety of nearby communities.
Ensure that land will be remediated for future beneficial use.
Financial and performance assurance for ARO Liabilities that is backed by
Investment-grade 3rd party institutional investors.Address the industry-wide issue of underfunded liabilities that lead to orphan wells.
Multi-faceted risk management approach including the removal of Predecessor-in-Title (boomerang liability) and
post-plugging liabilities.
- Protect the environment by ensuring safe and efficient decommissioning of
non-producing and idled oil & gas wells and facilities. - Eliminate potential sources of methane and other greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions.
- Eliminate potential sources of soil and water contamination.