OneNexus has Solutions for your P&A liability needs.

OneNexus has solutions for your P&A liability needs.


Drilling and Development Programs
The most cost-efficient way to guarantee the funding of future P&A liabilities.


Assures sellers and buyers that funding is set aside for future liabilities, mitigating the risk of “boomerang liability”.

Shaking Hands

Operators with Non-Op Working Interest Partners
Prefund P&A liabilities by Joint-Interest-Billing partners while wells are flowing, mitigating the risk of partner non-payment.


Family Owned Operations
Prefund P&A while wells are producing, so the next generation isn’t burdened with the cost.


State Required Financial Assurance
An alternative to traditional methods, provides funds for Operator’s future P&A expenses.


Landowners: Surface Use Agreements
Financial Assurance for reclamation of land as required by Surface Use Agreements.